«Bionica» buys a «ChGRES» objects


We made a fundamental step in the implementation of the «Rybnoe Mesto» project.

As we informed earlier, the Council on improving the investment climate in Chelyabinsk approved the initiative to implement the «Rybnoe Mesto» project.

We, in our turn, carried out a voluminous block of pre-design works related to the cultivation and processing of the clary catfish, and today the «BIOnika» Company entered into a friendly and partnership with OJSC «Fortum» and acquired a part of the «ChGRES» production sitefacilities.

The acquired real estate will be used to create separate components of the «Rybnoe Mesto» complex.

The resource life-support of the complex will be realized in cooperation with OJSC «Fortum» on long-term and mutually beneficial basis.